
Tips for conservative management: By Chrystal Hellewell

A migraine is a complex neurological condition which has a basis in genetics, and is very individualised - so finding a blanket treatment or intervention is problematic. Below are some tips and suggestions that you may not have tried to help manage your migraines.


Migraines are complex conditions with no cure, and there is unfortunately no one prevention strategy that works for everyone, but there are some small steps you can incorporate into your day that may help to reduce the severity, duration and frequency of migraines.

- Make sure you’re getting in adequate water, especially in these cooler months when it may not be as palatable; try adding some cut up fruit, cucumber or mint. 🌱

- Going to bed and waking up at similar times each day, can develop good rest patterns and help to regulate daily hormonal cycles. πŸ’€

- Research has indicated that light to moderate exercise may be less likely to trigger migraine, when compared to vigorous activity, so try and incorporate some gentle movement or strength training regularly into your week. πŸ‘Ÿ

- Eat a variety of nourishing foods and try to make time to wind down, either in little pockets throughout the day or set aside time specifically. Even taking a couple of slow breaths, relaxing your jaw, and actively dropping your shoulders can help relax neck and face muscles, calming the nervous system. 😌

- And if your experiencing migraines regularly track them for a few weeks and look for any patterns that may help you identify what your triggers may be. πŸ“


Self-management of symptoms

πŸ”₯ Heat packs placed across your shoulders can help to provide relief, encourage relaxation of muscles, reducing tension around the head and neck. 

πŸ’§ Sipping room temperature water can help with hydration (especially before sleeping) and spending time with focused breath-work in a quiet place can help to reduce external sensory stimuli. 

πŸ™†β€β™€οΈ Gentle self massage, and stretching can also assist with reducing muscular tension that could be contributing to symptoms.


Mindfulness Practices

- There are a number of research articles looking into the efficacy of different mindfulness strategies and nervous system regulation approaches, showing positive outcomes for people who experience regular migraines.

- Diaphragmatic breathing (deep belly breathing) and systematic relaxation can have positive improvements to the overall burden of migraines.


Professional Conservative Management

There are a number of options for conservative management of migraines. For you convenience, the below services are offered at Lakelands Health and Performance:

Massage Therapy

Research studies have demonstrated that massage treatments can assist in the management of migraines through:

  • Reduction in the severity and frequency of migraines

  • Improved sleep

  • Reductions in percieved stress, cortisol levels and lowered blood pressure

  • A reduction on the reliance on medications for symptom management


A 2011 systematic review of migraine management suggested that massage therapy, physiotherapy, relaxation and chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy might be equally effective as propranolol and topiramate in the prophylactic management of migraine. In addition, spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines.


As discussed above, light to moderate exercise can be a great option for those prone to migraines. Higher blood pressure can make migraine symptoms worse while lowering it can reduce migraine symptoms (via a 2020 study). Exercise in general reduces blood pressure, including pilates. One pilates session can reduce blood pressure between 5 to 8 mm Hg (millimeter of mercury) 60 minutes after a session has ended!


Lakelands Health and Performance prides itself on providing evidence based, conservative management of musculoskeletal and movement issues to the communities of the Rockingham and Mandurah regions.

To find out more about or services and how we may assist you, feel free to browse the website, our social channels or don’t hesitate to call or book an appointment.


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